Will you buy the domain for me?
Yes, we can take care of purchasing the domain for you, especially as part of our service when you’re buying a website from us.
Yes, we can take care of purchasing the domain for you, especially as part of our service when you’re buying a website from us. We see this as a fundamental part of setting up your online presence.
Here’s how our domain purchasing service works:
Availability Check: First, we’ll ensure that the domain you want is available for purchase. This step is crucial as it determines the feasibility of acquiring your desired domain name.
Initial Purchase Covered: If the domain is available and within the standard price range, typically around €10-€20, we will purchase it on your behalf and cover the cost for the first year. This is part of our comprehensive service to get your website up and running.
Annual Renewal: After the first year, we will send you an invoice for the domain renewal along with any associated hosting fees. This ensures that your domain remains active and under your control.
Special Cases for High-Cost Domains: In situations where the desired domain has a higher-than-average cost, we will discuss this with you beforehand. Some domains, due to their popularity or premium status, can be significantly more expensive. We’ll ensure you’re fully informed and agree to any additional costs before proceeding.
Registration in Your Name: We will register the domain in your name, ensuring that you are the legal owner. This gives you full control over the domain, allowing you to make future decisions regarding its use and renewal.
Seamless Integration with Your Website: Once purchased, we’ll integrate the domain with your new website, setting everything up so that it’s ready to go live as soon as you are.
In summary, as part of our commitment to providing a complete website solution, we can handle the purchase of your domain. Our goal is to make the process as simple and seamless for you as possible, from the initial purchase to annual renewals, ensuring that your online presence is well-established and maintained.